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BENV 1010

Week 1 studio Activities  In class Activities: Individual Donald Trump - Photoshop: Week 2 studio Activities  Task 1) In your groups come up with 3 words to describe each data set. (For data sets see moodle week 2) The 3 words for the weather = Impactful, volatile, transformative  Task 2) Download an evocatively coloured image from the internet that communicates each word impacful Volatile  Transformative Task 3) Download Adobe Capture for your phone and use it to create swatches from the images you downloaded in step 2. Individual Weather Graph - Illustrator ON SITE 1) Find and photograph an example of all of the following deliberately used Design Elements and Principles on your site: (G15 on UNSW ) Lines  Balance  Shapes (Geometric) Proximity Direction of lines Alignment  Size & Scale Repetition & Pattern Texture Contras...

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